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A Reading List for Anglican Inquirers

I include here numerous books by Roman Catholic authors. As a casual reading of my site would bear out, I do not in any way agree with Roman Catholic theological and canonical departures from Orthodoxy. The books included here should be seen for what they are: enlightening critiques of Anglicanism, not an approval of Roman Catholicism in any way.

You might also peruse my other, more broad Suggested Reading List.

Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue: The Dublin Agreed Statement 1984. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Press, 1985. A helpful overview of the theological agreements and disagreements between the two churches.

Billerbeck, Franklin, ed., Anglican-Orthodox Pilgrimage. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press, 1993. Collection of essays by former Anglicans who made the trek to Orthodoxy.

Caraman, Philip, ed., University and Anglican Sermons of Ronald A. Knox. London: Burns and Oates, 1963. [out-of-print(?)] Knox was a well-known Anglican pastor for many years before converting to Rome; see his three sermons on Anglicanism preached while still an Anglican, pp. 449ff.

Congar, Yves M.-J., Divided Christendom. London: The Centenary Press, 1939. One of the preeminent Roman ecumenical theologians of this century. See his chapter on Anglican ecclesiology entitled "The Anglican Conception of Unity: Via Media, 'High Church', Non-Roman Catholicism," pp. 145-197. See Lossky's Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church for interaction with Congar wrt his critique of Orthodoxy.

Florovsky, Georges, Collected Works. vol. XIII, Ecumenism I: A Doctrinal Approach. Vaduz, Europa: Büchervertriebsanstalt, 1989. See Part Two, "The 'Doctrine' of the Church." Much interaction with the Anglican position throughout. Also see his reflections on the "Branch Theory" in his excellent article entitled "The Limits of the Church" (Church Quarterly Review, October 1933, pp. 129-130).

Hodges, H. A., Anglicanism and Orthodoxy: A Study in Dialectical Churchmanship. London: S.C.M., 1955. Absolutely crucial reading for any Anglican.

Howard, Thomas, Lead, Kindley Light: My Journey to Rome. Steubenville, OH: Franciscan Univ. Press, 1994. The short testimony of Howard's journey to Rome after being an Anglican for 25 years. Superb insights. Call (800) 783-6357 to order.

Ledwich, William, The Durham Affair. Welshpool, England: Stylite Publishing Limited, 1985. [out of print?]. Story of the controversy surrounding the consecration of a heretical Church of England bishop in 1984. The author led the fight against his consecration and lost. After much reflection about the nature of Anglicanism he converted to Orthodoxy (see esp. chapter 7, "From Comprehensiveness to Orthodoxy").

Ker, Ian, Newman on the Christian Faith. Notre Dame: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1990. A superb, well-footnoted collection / index of Newman's thoughts on a variety of doctrines. Compares his Anglican views with his later Roman Catholic views.

Mascall, E. L., The Recovery of Unity: A Theological Approach. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1958. A phenomenal ecumenical work. See Chapter Three, "The Lesson of Orthodoxy." Provides critical interaction with Hodges book (above).

Newman, John Henry, Apologia pro vita sua. Garden City: Image Books, 1956. Still in print in many editions. The classic intellectual biography of an Anglican's journey to Rome.

Packer, J.I., The Evangelical Anglican Identity Problem: An Analysis. Oxford: The Latimer House, 1980 [1978]. Excellent 40 page critique.

Phillips, Andrew, Orthodox Christianity and the English Tradition. Norfolk, England: The English Orthodox Trust (Anglo-Saxon Books), 1995. A wonderful collection of short essays about Orthodoxy in English history. A real delight to read. Over 450 pages. This book really opened my eyes to true Western Orthodoxy, the faith of the English people prior to the Normanization that followed the conquest in 1066.

Rose, Seraphim, The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church. Platina, CA: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1983. A good balanced treatment though it certainly will not answer all your questions. Available through Eighth Day Books (800) 841-2541. For more on the Orthodox view of Augustine click here.

Schneider, Rev. Fr. Spiridon, "From Anglicanism to Orthodoxy", Orthodox Life (journal of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY), Vol. 27, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1977, pp. 29-48. Outstanding comprehensive article.

Vanauken, Sheldon, Under the Mercy. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1985. See his chapter entitled "The English Channel," pp. 215-242.

The Anglican/Orthodox Pilgrim

The Anglican/Orthodox Pilgrim was a journal devoted to discussing issues relevant to Anglicans considering a move to the Orthodox Church. It is now defunct.

Vol. 2, No. 1 Winter 1993

  • Orthodoxy and Ethnicity
  • A Former Anglican Now 38 Years in Orthodoxy
  • Editorial: Come Home!

Vol. 2, No. 3

  • An Interview with Timothy Ware (Part II)
  • Conversion: A Priest's Wife's Perspective

Vol. 2, No. 4: Focus on the Church

  • Whither the Branch Theory?
  • Problems of Ecclesiology Between Anglicans and Orthodox in the Dublin Agree Statement (1984)
  • Ecclesiology: What Is It and Why Is It Important?
  • A Few Readings on the Church

Vol. 3, No. 1

  • Anglican Options: Rome or Orthodoxy
  • Consider the Implications
  • St. Patrick
  • Journey Into Orthodoxy
  • Quo Vadis?

Miscellaneous Articles

Fr. George Johnson's Personal Testimony: a former Anglican

Pastoral Direction and Instruction on Orthodox / Episcopal Relations and Ministrations in America: the pastoral writings of Bishop Raphael of Brooklyn concerning the differences between the Orthodox Church and the Anglican Communion. Includes extensive comments about Anglican Mysteries [Sacraments]. Orthodox Life, Vol. 43, No. 6, 1993.

The Episcopal Church in Crisis, by Tucker Carlson.