

Welcome to the OCIC Web site, one of the largest and oldest sites on Orthodox Christianity. Think of the OCIC as a vast online article repository, with over 850 articles and 3,000 printed pages. This site has been online since 1996 and receives over 50,000 visits per month, according to Google Analytics.

As of July, 2022, this site is in permanent archive mode. There will (probably) be no additions in the future. When the site was started it was one of the first Orthodox Christian sites on the Internet. Since then, a lot of good content has come online, and there is no need to continue updating this site; nor are there sufficient resources to do so: actively maintaining a site of this size would take many hours per week, and a small staff of people.

Stand with Ukraine

Pray for the suffering Ukrainian people, and that God will bring peace to Ukraine!

The Pulitzer Prize-winning author Anne Applebaum had this to say about Russia in her June, 2024 Substack post, when referring to the cult of war and violence that permeated Germany in the years leading up to World War II:

"In Russia, we are witnessing the same celebration of combat today. Russian schools now train even small children to be soldiers. Russian television encourages Russians to hate Ukrainians, even to consider them subhuman, and to despise other Europeans as well. Russian leaders speak casually of using nuclear weapons against their neighbors, and regularly threaten to invade them. The Russian economy has been militarized: Some 40% of the national budget will now be spent on weapons. To obtain missiles and ammunition, Russia now does deals with Iran and North Korea, two of the most brutal countries on the planet.

"As a result, combat and violence have been normalized in Russia. The war is now constantly portrayed as a permanent part of Russian life. The hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded are ignored and forgotten."

This is all blessed by Patriarch Kyrill, who, along with Putin, call their unprovoked, genocidal aggression against Ukraine a "Holy War".

What an incredibly sad state of affairs in Russia, Ukraine, and Holy Orthodoxy!

If you are reading this from Russia, don't believe the propaganda and lies coming from your state-controlled media. Talk to people outside of Russia. Learn the truth about what Putin, and his tragic and lamentable spiritual cohort Patriarch Kyrill, are doing to Ukraine. It is a shameful atrocity of epic proportions!

If you are reading from America, educate yourself on what is happening to our democracy. Should we fall to authoritarianism, it will gravely affect the entire world, starting with Ukraine.